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This Forum has been set up for people to chat about their cars whatever make they are


 forum rules

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Number of posts : 55
Age : 46
Location : whitland
model owned : peugeot 306
dream car : supercharged 306 xsi-6
Reputation : 42
Points : -271
Registration date : 2008-09-15

forum rules Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules   forum rules EmptyMon Sep 15, 2008 10:29 am

Please read this as by making use of the forum you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to abide the rules of this club as laid out below. Check back regularly, as we are updating/amending often, in an effort to keep the club as up to date as possible.

We are always keen to hear new ideas for enhancing and promoting the club and forum. These should always be forwarded by PM to any member of the club administration for evaluation by the Club committee prior to any possible public announcement.

It is our intention that the forum be a place for fun, information, and lighthearted enjoyment; this should not however come at the cost of ignoring the rights and sensibilities of others.


Moderators will always endeavour to inform of their actions, either on a thread, by PM, or email. This is an INTENT, NOT a guarantee, and if this does not happen a polite PM will usually in these circumstances clear up any confusion. Notification however, for a multitude of reasons will not always be immediately possible. Moderators are volunteers helping in their own time. Non notification is not grounds for complaint or abuse.

Prime Language of The board:
This is ENGLISH, any posts posted in any other language may be deleted. This covers, but is not limited to, posts made in slang, text speak, or leet/hacker language.

Activity that is not permitted:

1.The use, or misuse of any member account by any other person is expressly forbidden.
Please ensure you keep all password security for your account safe, as you are entirely responsible for any, and all accesses, posts or messaging made with it. Any occurrances of this nature will result in suspension of access to all registered parties involved.

2. Possible slanderous/libellous claims, or 'rants' of any description. If you experience a difficulty with a company, your first recourse is to that company itself, (give them the opportunity to settle the matter with you first). If this is unsuccessful, and you are still of the opinion that you have a case, then contact the local Trading standards department to the business concerned. (Number available from the local council offices to the company involved). Feel free at any time to inform the Club Management team of your situation, We will endeavour to help in any way we can, but under no circumstances make any angry/ flame, revenge posts on the forum, The Club is legally responsible for anything that is published on the pages of this Forum/Website, and it does not intend to face any lawsuits on behalf of any unsubstantiated threats or abuse to 'respectable' companies.

3.Threads or links on illegal cruising. Illegal, irresponsible, or dangerous behaviour on the roads. This Club wishes no affiliation, promotion of, or association with illegal cruises/cruising activities, or cruise sites.

4. FAO threads - we've got a perfectly good pm system for it, (These will be removed without notification)

5. Abusive, political, or negatively racial comments through threads, private messages or e-mail. No posts/links of a sexist, sexual, lewd, explicit, gratuitous, or racist nature.

6.Using pornographic, sexist (girlie)pictures/ blasphemy/ or profanity,or any picture intended to insult, ridicule or aggrieve whatsoever in any avatar/ signature, or post. Any such postings will be removed, and acted upon accordingly. (What you may find acceptable, others may not, think before you post).
All parts of this forum should remain suitable for viewers of any age.

7.This is not a dating/flirting agency, or 'agony aunt?, any posts of this type, or that degenerate into this (Or appear to be going to) will be closed immediately, and any subsequent posts of a similar nature will be removed.

8. Using the forums(s) as a personal chat room. As there is a chat feature provided at the bottom of the site for this use.

9. No advertising in posts, threads, profiles, or avatars on the general forums of personal sale items, companies/products, forums, or clubs whatsoever, (no matter how cleverly presented).
Any company wishing to offer a member's discount may apply for a traders forum account to enable them to inform club members of special offers, and also obtain a listing and link in our discounters website section.
Only registered traders may use their company name as their forum name

10. No posts touting for interest/visits, hits, votes, sign-ups or users for other forums, clubs, sites or companies without obtaining prior permission from admin, and no links to 'content unsafe sites' whatsoever.

11.Use of Back To The Top (BTTT) or Bump, etc (Post will be removed without notification)

12. Use of swearing/ profanity in any form. (be it by posting, or linking to)
This Forum is used by people of all ages, and all parts will remain suitable for viewers of all ages.
Failure to exercise self moderation when posting will result in removal of posts/reprimand, or even suspension of access. This activity has become more prevalent of late and will no longer be accepted, again, be considerate, and think what you post before you post it, and there should be no problems.

13. Use of the for sale section to advertise goods for non members. You are only allowed to advertise your own (or immediate family's) goods in the for sale section.

14. Misplacing of threads. Please endeavour to help us with this one, Yes, you may get more views in the 'general' forum, but you may actually get the help you want faster by posting in the section where someone of experience may be browsing.

15. Pointless/unnecessary or "I raced a...." etc posts/threads. Will be removed, or placed where seen as most appropriate. Please do not clutter the forums with this 'boy racer' style banality and you won't be disappointed at its removal.

16. Unnecessarily large signatures/fonts, Please exercise a little restraint in this department. Any signature seen a unnecessarily long, or large will be removed without notice by the forum administrators.

17. Use of multiple forum accounts is not allowed, if you want to your username changed , contact the helpdesk

Any problem or disagreement with decisions/opinions, do not make a 'flame/rant' post, (or indeed any kind of forum post about it) this will not enhance your case and WILL be removed. If persistent will result in suspension of account to restore order to the forum.

Instead contact those that can get you an explanation, or help directly. Contact one of the forum administrators by PM or email.

4Wheels Administration
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